Saturday, 16 June 2012

All quiet on the Western Front

Time to beat in 2012
Things seem to be just ticking along at the moment. motivation still not high to get back training, and even though the beginner group has started and they all seem to be progressing well, at this rate a week or two more and I won't be keeping up with them much at all.
Time for some drastic measures to be taken. i.e. put some effort in.
For me the exercise is more as a result of how it makes me feel mentally rather than just physically, and I seem to have lost the mental ooomph to push myself. So, the challenge for the next few weeks is to recover that motivation to get out there and DO, rather than sit home and wallow. Mind you with the rain we have been having, going out to wallow (mostly in mud and puddles) seems to be the thing. A nice drop of sunshine in the evening is much nicer to encourage a little bit of fresh air and participation in the forest.
So, am back to looking for my friend Will Power again to get me back on the straight and narrow, after all training for the great South will not happen by itself.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

London Marathon +3 weeks and a £500 boost

Well no slow up in the excitement after London.
Trying hard to keep myself motivated to keep up the running with every nagging little voice shouting "don't do it", I pressed the button for the 2013 ballot. Yes I know daft but true, with an immediate "why did I just do that?" thought running through my head I then splashed out a small fortune on entering the Great South too in October this year. I have half an hour to shave off my 2011 time and get close to my 10 mile PB and am already wondering whether my sanity is somehow impaired.
Fortunately we have just started a new beginner group at the running club, and with my dogged determination to get back to it, in spite of the little voices, we set out on our first session for one minute running and one minute recovery intervals x 10. How can one minute be so tough after 26.2 miles?
One of the group trying hard to get me to say something positive about myself as I went into normal "I am slow so will be at the back mode" and to be fair she has a point. The marathon is no mean achievement whether run in 3 hours or in 6 1/2, the distance is the same and I guess I am not such a bad role model for the slower runner who thinks that a marathon is only achievable for fast, very fit, people. I must now resolve to be more positive with my realism rather than negative. (Which also means I need some determination too for both training and the perennial weight issues)
And a fabulous surprise to boost my fundraising pot too, as  I received an email from the RealBuzz team to say I had won their London Marathon Expo draw to win a £500 donation to my charity. How exciting :-) that certainly has added the positive into my marathon step and will help to boost the coffers of the Prostate Cancer Charity too.

Roll on the next blog entry eh? How much more excitement can we get?

Oh and my fundraising page is still open, so if you want to join the RealBuzz team and their donation head on over to

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Rule your mind or it will rule you

"The world is a looking glass. It gives back to every man a true reflection of his own thoughts.  Rule your mind or it will rule you." ~Buddha

Never was this more true than during the marathon. However I am getting ahead of myself. The first thing you want to know is time.....everybody seems to be that you are "judged" on it, even if the person asking has no idea what is good or what is slow. That's not meant to be slating those who ask, it is just that as a rule that is always the first question. As a slower runner I always wince when people do. I know there are people at the running club who can run sub 3 hours for the marathon or near to it, so it makes my time seem incredibly slow by comparison. This year I completed the course in 6hours, 38minutes and 31seconds. 6.38.31. My previous time of 5.44.24 unlikely to have been bettered with my lack of training and my weight management issues, so to be fair, getting round was indeed the challenge, and this was the challenge I suspect for most of the charity runners, and slower runners who, like me, were hobbling along exhausted towards the end with all energy reserves used up, but that dogged determination to finish.
The day was long, we left home on the coach at 5.45am, arriving at Blackheath just after 8am. Time to head to the Blue start and the loo queues before putting our kit bags onto the many lorries to be ferried to the finish. The start seemed to come all too soon. 9.45 we were off, well we were moving towards the start line and 15 minutes later the start time mats were crossed.
Pace bands pre-printed to help me make it round between 6.15 and 6.30 (as all my race predictions were 6.20) were firmly stuck around my wrist and I avidly scanned at every mile to see how I was doing. Ahead of the pace for the first few miles, I knew I would fade later, and feeling comfortable just stuck with it. Each 5k mat crossed, each mile marker noted by my lap counter on my garmin, each step getting me closer to the finish line, but a long way to go yet.
A man alongside me shouting that he "was going too fast to make his expected pace" I wanted to tell him to make the most of it while he still could, I suspect he, like me, would be fading towards the end. After mile 1 we headed through the Olympic shooting event, nicely sealed off from the road we heard it but were not motivated to move any quicker to get away from it, my hope for speed thwarted. Passed a girl hobbling along and asked if she was OK, apparently had broken her leg last year doing the marathon so was back to try again. Poor girl 26 miles of hobbling would be crippling, I wonder if she made it.
Jog/walking along approaching Cutty Sark at 6 1/2 miles, I knew I would see first sight of some of the running club group who had come up to support and was on them almost before they noticed. Was feeling quite good at this point. A deliberate Run/Walk strategy meant that the walk times started to become longer as i tried to save my energy for later. Tower Bridge at the 20k mark was walked up to and run down the other side. So many people lining the bridge and all the streets so far, the support was deafening in places.
Heading for the half marathon point I veered to the centre of the road to see if I could see anyone heading back along the road working their way to the finish, and spotted another Totton runner, she was looking good and finished in 4hours 4 mins, I knew I still had a long way to go, making half way in 3 hours and 3 mins. Still good time, and still feeling fine. Got overtaken by "Big Ben, The Gherkin and St Paul's" not a great feeling, but I did manage to get past the Blackpool tower. So many people wearing costumes which in the heat would have been almost unbearable and in the wet getting so heavy.
Carb gels taken on board and Lucozade sport being drunk to keep energy levels up I started to flag at around 17 miles. The legs suddenly became heavy and I could start to feel the energy drain away. Reading lots of other runner posts on one of the forums afterwards, I discovered that mile 17 seems to have been a problem for a lot of people, even the faster runners, maybe the area we are running through at that point, but anyway mile 18 approached and the running club crew were there again in support, which really lifted me, but now I had resorted to a fast walk with minimal jogging. The head started to feel a little light, I knew my energy levels were dropping, all I could think was, "might be better to stop" and "will I hit the wall", that nasty nagging voice trying to get me to give in. Hah!, that little voice doesn't know me well then. I took another gel and spurred myself on again, then flagging again I got to mile 21 and there unexpectedly were the running group again shouting and screaming for me, and also the charity support group shouting for me. Never have I been so grateful to have myself boosted, and immediately I started saying to myself, "OK time to pull yourself together and get to it, no getting light headed here thanks we are on for the finish, only 5 more miles we can do this" immediately my head seemed to clear, I was positive and moving forward and I was going to finish, I had no doubt about that. I decided that if I had to walk then I would and that was it. Still checking the timings, I knew I wouldn't be too far off the 6 1/2 hours, so set to completing and see what happened. Striding out, the heavens opened and gale force winds it seemed like started whipping all the discarded rubbish around, along with the rain which was now falling steadily. I managed to get my prepared bin bag out of my waist pack and put it on, must have looked pretty funny as my arms were trapped in side, but was see through so that my name for motivation purposes was still visible.
The determination grew stronger as I strode to the finish, completely unaware at this time that someone had lost their life on Birdcage walk earlier on, (RIP Claire Squires), and as I approached there was a feeling of emotion welling up, I knew there was less than a mile to go as I headed towards Big Ben (the real one) and turned the corner. Ahead the 800 metres to go sign and I am wondering if I have anything left to give to manage a trot to the finish. Someone tried to cross the road in front of me and just laughed when I said "please don't" no way I could have taken a stop at this point or a diversion to avoid them. I removed bin bag to make sure I could get a decent finish photo and kept walking.
The announcers at the finish suddenly stating they were going off the air soon so I needed to check out my sprint finish. Turning the corner at Buck House (and I did look to see why I had missed it last time, but it is set back and not directly visible) and tried to wind my legs up for a trot, amazingly they worked and I immediately thought, "why didn't I try them before and get there a lot quicker?". Still, the finish line approached, I was prepared for the emotional hit, but think I must have been through all that already. Crossed the line and stopped to have the tag removed from my shoe, collect my medal and go for a finish photo, before collecting goodie bag and hobbling the long line of lorries looking for my race number section to get my own bag back. The legs had given up, the feet would no longer move me forward, I was now hobbling and shuffling. Amazing how I had been capable of moving fairly reasonably before the finish, but suddenly, no movement possible without pain. Adrenaline is definitely something useful there.
Post race reception for the charity was nearby, I hobbled up the steps to get to the Royal Society, and was welcomed through the door with a round of applause like a hero, made me feel very proud. Another photo taken, a congratulatory chat with Amanda Mealing the actress who played in Holby and a ticket received for a massage, along with a goodie bag of food.
The massage was welcome if a little painful and removing my socks revealed blisters all across the back of my heels, running shoes are not made for walking in obviously. Now wish I had brought sandals with me instead of my walking boots. But, blisters dealt with and patched up ready to make the journey home.
A long slow hobble to Waterloo station to get a train home, with a lovely comfy seat for over an hour, then home, at last.
Another marathon done, yes I was relieved to have finished, but I knew I would. The ballot for 2013 opens on 30th April; I am tempted to enter. I have a PB to obtain for my time from 6 years ago, and I know that this time I will be training more consistently and much better (famous last words).
So what next?
Well this blog may continue, but will have to change the name a bit, maybe a new blog to follow any future race progress, but also I have accepted a role helping at this year's Paralympics, and may yet get one for the Olympics, so looking forward to the training and support for that. In the mean time I go with my heading and say how very true..

"The world is a looking glass. It gives back to every man a true reflection of his own thoughts.  Rule your mind or it will rule you." ~Buddha

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Convict..... I mean Runner number 18484

Well the day fast approaches. Hard to believe that I started thinking about this 2 years ago and now it is almost here. Mentally I feel prepared, physically I know I should have been much better prepared, but then I suspect that everyone says that regardless of their actual training up to the day.

Think it is going to be a long cold day, so disposible handwarmers have just made my shopping list. Just checked the weather forecast - showing partly cloudy around the start time, then raining by 1pm getting lighter rain showers by 4pm and into the early evening. Ah well at least it will be cool and overheating isn't likely.

Pasta party this evening as a gesture from the running club to wish us all good luck, if only my running skills were as good as my organisational skills I'd be laughing in the face of the marathon now.

The last couple of weeks since my "trot" have been fairly "tapered". After never wanting to run again I knew that was not the way to get round 26.2 miles, so a nice sunny Good Friday saw me taking off to run to my Parents house and back on a beautifully prepared route. Plan was a choice of 6, 7 or 9 miles, one for out and one for back. Went with the 7 to get there (planning the 9 to come back), set off, got completely disorientated at one point and was heading in totally the wrong direction (easily corrected) and had to turn back at another place as the path I had thought I could use turned out to be a private drive blocked by large iron gates....hmmmmmm, "right to roam" sprang to mind at that point, but hey in the end 8 1/4 miles later I was enjoying a nice cuppa with my folks. An offer of a lift back was tempting, but needed to work the now tired legs and see how it went. Chose the short and direct route of 5 3/4 miles back, total 14 and no after-effects. Think I am ready, now just to extend it to 26.2.

With no other run during the week and my exercise classes (except one Bokwa) also missing due to holidays etc I waited until the Sunday to have another little trot out of 4 1/2 mile, took me an hour, had to push for that...sooooo slow. But hey legs felt good, a bit of pace was there, so now bring it on.

Marathon Expo attended, number collected, convict picture taken for the Wall of Fame (see pic above), goodies collected from charity stall, pasta eaten, lucozade marathon survival pack acquired, pace bands woefully inadequate as they only go up to 5 1/2 hours. Pah!!! will make my own then, or as was helpfully suggested maybe I should have picked up a 3 and a 3 1/2 band and could have added the times together, that would keep my mind occupied eh?

Nothing else to do now except iron the letters onto my running vest, pack my bags, eat pasta, rest up and then...........will let you know on Monday :-) Oh and if you want to put some pennies into my charity fundraising pot for Prostate Cancer please follow the link, it will be open until the end of July so plenty of time.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Trot round the plot

Trot round the plot was the alternative name that my friend gave to the half marathon distance race we had both entered. Actually titled "Bolt round the Holt" I think her interpretation was probably far more accurate as for me there wasn't a lot of bolting going on. With 3 weeks to go to the marathon, I had yet to achieve a half marathon distance, not a good place to be, so headed off to take part in a trail event of 21k to see how I held up. A last minute change saw 2 of us entered for the 21k and and additional one for the 10k, on a suddenly chilly day after some glorious March sunshine.
Arriving in the car park field, we headed to register and claim our chips and numbers, found where the finish was (always important to know where you are finishing, and then off to prepare ourselves for the run.
Determined to get around, they lined us all up, setting the racers off in groups. 5k runners first, then 10k runners, then the 21k runners. (Well i say runners....) Not surprisingly within about 400metres I was trailing nicely, and with a 1k loop to do at the start then twice round the 10k lap, I knew it was going to be a long run. Can't call it racing, although I guess in effect the race is against myself and my mental strength to continue, when it would be so easy to say "sod it" and give up. I was happy with my pace, I do seem to have a little more of it when being race timed, even though for most it is slow, it is quicker than I have managed in some training runs, so I think it is all relative.
The course had few marshals, not a problem for directions, and sometimes i find their empty encouragement a little sickly (though some do genuinely mean it others seem to be just saying it and pitying you round) and the route was clearly marked with arrows, and it was very pleasant scenery to run through though extremely undulating with a few hills thrown in for good measure. I walked up a long incline and apologised to the marshal sat at the top, that it would be a long wait for me to get round for the next loop, while ahead of me I could see people already looping back to join the 2nd circuit. I wondered how long before i was lapped, and how I could minimise the damage of being overtaken by too many.
I surprised myself by running (or trotting) a lot more than I thought I would and was joined by a man on a bicycle to check I was OK and to let me know that I had the "dubious honour of being the backmarker" me something I didn't know. He zoomed off to find the next slowest with my "don't tell me I don't wish to know how far ahead they are".
Joined by a 2nd cyclist "Angus" the "sweeper" of sorts as he kept disappearing and then coming back to find me later.
The first water station at 5k was already devoid of refreshments, just as well I was carrying my bottle then.
At 5 miles I had my first runner pass me :-( they were heading for home, I was heading for my 2nd lap. As the course split between "head to the finish" and "go round again", I spoke to the marshal there and said I had enjoyed it so much I was going round again. Waiting at the water station my 10k buddy, with gel and water to give me a boost. Famous last words "I'll trot with you for a while to keep you company and cool down a little" well the cool down trot turned out to be the whole 2nd lap and I must say the company was nice (though I am so used to running alone I find shouting at myself is fine, someone else shouting at me is irritating). The Garmin beeped for low battery, arrrrggggh no....... only 8 1/2 miles gone. So back up plan and "buddies" Garmin activated to capture the last few miles.
Same marshal at top of the long hill I had walked the first time, looked at me and said "Are you sure you want to carry on?" Hmmmmm red rag, bull and "of course" knowing full well she was obviously desperate to get home and would have to wait for me to go round part of the loop to pass her again.
Repeated loop was nice, I remembered where I was and could push myself to each marker, including watching people up in the trees on the Go Ape course.
Lady marshal however, did not wait around for me to return to her agan, she had gone leaving just a lonely yellow arrow to direct me.
Passing the water station for the seond time revealed 2 little cups of water on their own waiting for us. Angus had previously caught us up to see how we were doing and must have organised it ....bless.
With no-one else on the course now, it was starting to get to "severe talking to self" stage, but eventually the finish line approached and there were still a couple of people there to hand over my goody bag and medal. "I don't think anyone deserves this more than you" she said as she put the medal round my neck. Hey I did the same distance as everyone else, just a lot slower. in fact about 3/4 hour slower than the next to last. Oh dear!!! Marathon time prediction has shifted to a further half hour from previous predicted time, but I think i may ignore that, after all the marathon will be road and flat :-)
Oh and the garmin survived the remainder for the race, though it lost its power button and the battery is not great at holding a charge, so, a quick call to Garmin in Totton and it is now off to Garmin heaven to be "refurbished" while i get a nice new (well refurbed) one back, which i hope will have good battery life and get me safely round the marathon in a good time. Now wouldn't that be nice. check out a nice photo of me almost looking like I am running.

Monday, 12 March 2012

What a difference in 5 weeks (A hare in tortoise shell clothing)

Partly changed my mind about this post as having written it I realised that with 11 weeks to go back at 6th Feb, I was still suffering after my laryngitis and cold, had no running in me since the beginning of January and was feeling a little unfit to say the least.

Fast forward to 5 weeks later, 11th March, and I have completed a 10k race in a reasonable time for me 2 weeks ago, a 10 mile race yesterday, in the same time (well one second quicker actually) that I did the Great South last October, and have really built my fitness levels back up to a good base point.

So while the blog postings may have been a bit slow, the exercise and fitness regime has certainly upped the pace.

I decided that once my throat started to feel a bit better I really needed to up the fitness levels, but with it still being cold outside I wondered at the wisdom of trying to get out in the cold night air to run with the club, so opted for some indoor cardio exercise AKA "Zumba" and "Bokwa" (Thanks to Anna for providing these super classes check out

Since the beginning of Feb I also decided that to get back to the running after starting on the cardio I needed to also get the legs back into the regime, so opted to take my own advice (wonders will never cease) and build up slowly. Well as slowly as would be possible with only 11 weeks before the marathon.

Starting with a few short walks of 3 miles or so (suddenly interrupted by an Ikea experience - oops) building up to the route for our Club race at 5 miles in the first week with 3 exercise class also completed.

Week 2 saw me back out to run/walk, agan starting with short 3 miles for 3 times that week along with another 2 classes.

Building the miles up again in week 3 I managed 2 five milers and a couple of classes before heading to a 10k race on the Sunday. A multi lap around Castle Combe race circuit, in glorious weather and with people continually passing me (something I know some people hate, but I love as it makes me feel I am actually in a race rather than just being at the back seeing no-one) Each lap getting progressively faster, I was happy with my time. the first marker but now 8 weeks to go and progress needed. predicted Marathon time at this point is now 6.21.23.

The next week saw 3 classes and a 7 mile run with the following week including 2 eight mile outings and a 3 mile soggy trot out midweek with 2 classes completed and a "have you lost weight" comment - yippee starting to tone up and feel much fitter. The week ended with a 10 mile race at Burton near Christchurch in glorious sunshine, again. And a few targets set to keep me motivated along the way. First decision was that I would run/walk so had to be strict with my walk breaks or at points I would have been carried away and overdone it. There was also a 20 mile race starting 15 mins after the ten. My first challenge to get to mile one before their race started - done tick, 2nd challenge to be past 2 miles when one of our fast club runners came past me (potentially for the first time) - done tick, next challenge to be past 3 miles before my friends I travelled there with came past me - done tick in fact 4 1/4 miles when they came past - I overestimated their pace (and underestimated mine). After 5 miles easier to settle into a pace, and was passed by a few people I knew who slowed for a chat and some encouraging words which kept me going nicely, then the final challenge to be at the finish before out fast runner finished his 2 laps (20 miles) - tick done. And the bonus - I was ONE SECOND quicker than when I ran the Great South last October. Not a great achievement when that was 6 months ago and I should have been so much further into my training, but definitely an achievement. Predicted marathon time now 6.21.08

Now with 6 weeks to go a half marathon to complete in 3 weeks and then get mentally prepared for the big one 3 weeks after that.

With the consistency in my race pace it looks like I am needing to add some speedwork into my programme, so will also give that a go and try to get that predicted pace a little lower by the half marathon.

Watch this space will blog again then.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

All the best laid plans in ruins

Newly enthused for my training, I developed a slight cough, not too much to worry about, I thought, as I had similar before Christmas and away it went again quite quickly. This progressed to an impressive chesty hack and frothy sounding gurgle and rattle, followed by a touch of laryngitis that means my voice has been missing for a couple of weeks now (but is on the way back I hope).

Consequently the 10k, mid-January, I had signed up for was a No No. Breathing without wheezing has not been an option and even my Zumba class has had to be missed. (Shock horror, I really love that class)

To try and combat the ever increasing feeling of lethargy I opted to do a 10k walk at the Stonehenge Stomp (most others running the 10k or 20k or walking the 20k, or some brave fools running the 30k). I can tell I have not been exercising for a while now as I ached. It was, though a lovely morning, just ambling along with views of the stones in the distance, looking probably not as old as I was feeling. A very therapeutic experience indeed. But not a run.

While all the coughing and breathing issues have been going on, I feel a fraud for not actually feeling ill. Time for it to go please.

Hey ho, now it is 1st February. The marathon countdown clock is counting down much quicker day by day and my prospects for a quicker time than previously are looking slim. The run/walk programme is being brought into play, but I need to be out there to start it off. I still have no doubt I will get around it, but it is going to take me a lot of hard graft from now to get there.

I think in future I should plan not to make any plans and see what happens next. (having said that Lent fast approaches - the time of willpower for me; maybe the timing is just what I need)

Friday, 6 January 2012

Time to stop clowning around and get to it

Right then, to business.......... a brief summary of the blog to date
.......a couple of years ago I entered the Marathon ballot, knowing that I wanted to run it in April 2012. As soon as I had my acceptance for the 2011 race I knew I could defer and that as they say, would be that. Job done, 2012 here we come. So what did I do? Did I start immediately to get myself fit so that when the day arrived I would be incredibly fit and raring to go??? well no of course not, I deferred my training, by managing to fall over on a rock and bash my knee, which led to a loss of fitness and subsequently no motivation. This is where I have been for some time. It is amazing how the mental aspects can take over and lead the body into self destruction.
The Great South at the end of October was meant to be my kick-start to the training I needed, a good 6 months of building up to the big one would do the trick.
So.....The Great South. Well eventually I got myself out training, because I knew that I needed to have at least covered the distance to give me a fighting chance of getting around in one piece. The race day dawned and I had given myself a healthy slow target to achieve. At the pace I was training and capable of, a very slow 2 hours 15 would do me to prove I still could pace myself. Job done as I arrived at the finish at 2.17.19, legs tired at around 8 miles, so I knew I hadn't done the preparation, but a satisfactory conclusion nonetheless. The most worrying thing was finding myself thinking at around 6 miles "Am I supposed to be enjoying this as much as I actually am" and meaning it. It was great fun, the weather was perfect, a light drizzle and cool, loved every minute.

Next to train hard for my London build up........ but yet no setting foot outside the door took place. So what happened? Having opted to avoid club training sessions for a multitude of reasons, not least that my mind had slipped into beginner mode, something I encounter regularly with others who say "I am not quick enough to run with the club" My response, just get out there and do it, the mind is the problem not necessarily the body.

Anyway my mental state was such that I only managed, 2 runs of around 5 miles each between the Great South and Christmas, not really good preparation, and sees me looking at a very slow 7 hour finish for the marathon. (At which rate I might be able to go up there on the club coach but would definitely need to make my own way home)

So folks, time to up the ante.

Christmas came and went, then 2012 dawned. Ah!!! I am running the marathon in 3 months, let's get cracking....... and mentally something shifted.

A 5k race to "warm me up" around some beautiful grounds of a country house, and I didn't finish last (always healthy that) and I overtook people, and I managed to hold some youngsters off with the sprint finish.

Club training session the same day, 200m reps. I can run 200m eh? I managed 4 of those before my mind said enough (could have done a full 6, but......) walking the next day was tender, but achievable, then 2 days later a 4 mile run/walk with a friend as a build up to our 10k coming up mid January. Again leaving things until the last minute.

A punishing session with my personal trainer Helen followed. I have known her for years and she doesn't so much train me now as bully me incessantly for an hour on an irregular basis, something I know I need but try to resist as often as I can to no avail. (Everyone should have a Helen). So now I am aching from that session and wondering when my next run should be.

Maybe there is an easier way to do this?

Let me know if anyone can run a marathon without actually putting in the hard work for it. I don't believe it can be done, I know I need to get miles under my belt, I need now to believe I can do this, stop clowning around, and get cracking.